
Member profile

Actif is a consultancy and delivery organisation that designs and delivers support, events, research and enterprise development with passion, innovation and energy.

We have a strong history of working in the fields of enterprise, business start up and small business growth and development having offered a range of programmes, support and animation interventions over the past 10 years.

We have worked across the North of England delivering enterprise programmes to a wide range of audiences including schools, colleges, special educational units, young offenders, FE Colleges and modern apprentice training providers, universities, and in a range of specific communities including the most deprived, and to specific sector groups.

Our work encompasses the whole of the enterprise support spectrum from delivering enterprise animation events and hands on pre-start support and mentoring to capacity building for teachers, youth workers and animators involved in enterprise support and education

We aim to inspire, enthuse and engage the people and businesses we work with to help them to:

• Realise their potential
• Achieve sustainable growth
• Recognise and exploit opportunities

A key part of our role is to encourage and support as many people as possible to realise their entrepreneurial potential and either start a business or become a more effective employee, thus helping the development of the economy.