Inspired by the animated short film, The Snowman™ and The Snowdog, an extraordinary public art event featuring the lovable Snowdog character will capture the hearts and minds of the region and beyond in the run up to Christmas 2016.
For ten weeks during Autumn and Winter 2016, the North East’s streets, parks and open spaces will become home to a series of individually designed Snowdog sculptures, painted by both well-known and undiscovered artists. This will result in a magical sculpture trail around the region and showcasing the rich cultural offer and wealth of artistic talent in the area.
Great North Snowdogs will attract visitors to the region from across the country and beyond, as well as encouraging local people to become ‘tourists in their own city.’ A trail map and dedicated app will lead visitors from popular tourist destinations to lesser known areas of the region, as they attempt to locate the whole pack of Snowdogs. At the end of the 10 week trail, the Snowdog sculptures will be auctioned to raise funds to support St Oswald’s Hospice children’s service, to help support local young people with incurable illnesses.
Businesses are invited to sponsor a Snowdog and get involved with the biggest mass participation art event the region has ever seen. Schools can join in too, with their own mini Snowdog trail, with sculptures decorated by the children. If you want to find out more about getting involved, please visit or contact Jane Hogan, project lead, on 0191 285 0063, ext 207.
Great North Snowdogs is presented by St Oswald’s Hospice, working in partnership with Wild in Art, leading event producer of public art events.